PA Panthers News

Practice Selfless Compassion

For the month of November 2020, the PA Panthers 12U team were challenged with different ways to make a lasting impact - to teammates; to the community; and even around the globe.

Volunteering at the RASA Home Run Derby

On November 9th, the team served the local community in volunteering at RASA Softball rec league Fall Home Run Derby.

They help run each of the four stations (Hitting; Accuracy Throw; Distance Throw; Base Running) for girls in the RASA rec softball league (ages 5-19). They also helped organize and award the winners in a ceremony at the end of the evening

Volunteering at the Veteran's Park Work Day

On November 14th, the PA Panthers volunteered to help at the RASA Veterans Park Work Day closing down our fields for the winter.

Tasks included taking down tarps and nets; removing & plugging the bases; cleaning/vacuuming the clubhouse; removing trash; etc. In addition to the hard work the girls were able to grow a better appreciation of the home field with an understanding of the efforts and importance required to maintain a beautiful facility.

Operation Christmas Child

Practicing Selfless Compassion can make a lasting impact far beyond just a team or a community. In the case of Operation Christmas Child it can provide hope to kids all over the globe!

On November 15th, the PA Panthers team delivered 15 personalized Christmas shoe boxes filled with gifts and everyday necessities to Immanuel Church in Lansdale. The boxes will ship around the world to those in need.